Somebody once said that Love is a four-legged word and that Dogs are not our whole life, but they make our lives whole!
With the heaviest of hearts we had to say good-bye to Guinness our 'Chief Cultural Officer', official greeter and our best friend. Guinness was born in Wattle Grove, Western Australia and traveled to Canada with us when we returned in 2012. He was almost 13 and for the past 6 years he greeted a few thousand of our guests at the Guest Inn.
Even if some were not even fond of dogs, he made an impression. Some of our guests even openly told us that they have returned only to see our dogs!
He will be so sadly missed, however, forever in our hearts. Good-bye sweet Guinness.
“The world would be a nicer place if everyone had the ability to love as unconditionally as a dog.” – author M.K. Clinton
I'm one of those people who are not comfortable around dogs and I think Guinness sensed that. On our first visit he greeted me but gave me time to get to know him. On our many return visits we were like long lost friends. This summer will definitely feel different as Guinness will not be there to greet us after our long journey. Harvey has big shoes to fill. 🐾